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  • Writer's pictureJared

UPDATE: Post-Emergent Herbicide Application

Updated: Oct 6, 2020

Over the past two weeks, I've written two blogs (So you have crabgrass... now what? & Fall Post-Emergent Herbicide Application… Is it worth my time?) detailing specific post-emergent herbicides for crabgrass and broadleaf weeds. On a personal note, eight weeks ago a summer landscaping project was completed at my house. Due to various machines that were brought in to complete the project, I had (roughly) 4,000 square feet of new grass seed planted. Over the past eight weeks, the grass seed germinated, established and filled in creating a thick, lush lawn. But as nicely as the grass established, so did various weeds.

When deciding which selective herbicide(s) to use, I first looked at the area I wanted to treat. I noticed many different broadleaf weeds and crabgrass. I decided to create a five-way herbicide and use Quali-Pro Quinclorac 75 DF and Prime Source (Select Source) Triad TZ Select. These products were chosen because I have used both prior to this application. Quali-Pro Quinclorac 75 DF is exceptional for post-emergent control of crabgrass and Prime Source (Select Source) Triad TZ Select is a great option for broadleaf weed control. In addition, Prime Source (Select Source) Triad TZ Select works quicker when compared to other three-way broadleaf selective herbicides.

Application Information:


Method: Spot Spraying

Equipment: Hand-Held Sprayer (2 Gallon)

Grass Species: Kentucky Bluegrass, Perennial Ryegrass & Fine Fescue

Pictures - Before | 1 Day Post | 2 Day Post:

I'm happy with the results that are shown from the first two days. If you like what you see or for more in-depth information about Quali-Pro Quinclorac 75 DF or Prime Source (Select Source) Triad TZ Select, you can click on the products to visit the product pages. You can also reference the last two blogs, So you have crabgrass... now what? & Fall Post-Emergent Herbicide Application… Is it worth my time?

1 Comment

Don Crawford
Don Crawford
Jun 25

Do you recommend a surfactant?

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