Quinclorac 1.5L liquid herbicide is the latest technology in providing unsurpassed crabgrass control. Quinclorac 1.5L treats and controls a wide variety of other grasses and broadleaf weeds in residential lawns, commercial establishments, golf courses, military and other institutions, as well as parks, athletic fields and many others . When compared to a dry flowable formulation, the new liquid formulation offers superior results.
Product Type: Professional
Use Sites: Residential and Non-Residential Turfgrass, Golf Course, Sod Farms
Effective Against: Crabgrass (large & smooth), Foxtail (giant, green & yellow), Kikuyugrass, Signalgrass (broadleaf), Torpedograss, Bindweed (field), Clover (hop, red & white), Daisy (english), Dandelion, Dollarweed, Geranium (Carolina), Morningglory spp., Speedwell (common, slender & thymeleaf)
Active Ingredients: Quinclorac 17.79%
Brand Alternative: Drive XLR8®
Note: For optimal control, the perferred adjuvant is methylated seed oil.
DO NOT apply to fine fescue unless it is part of a seed blend.
DO NOT apply to Bahiagrass, carpetgrass, St. Augustinegrass, centipedegrass, dichondra, or lawns or turf where desirable clovers are present.
This information is for reference only. It is the responsibility of the user and/or buyer to verify the product is registered and appropriate for use in a given state and/or local area. Reference manufacturer’s website, if applicable, to verify product registration.
Quali-Pro Quinclorac 1.5 L
Additional Information
EPA Registration Number